In fact, looking at it again you don't need to join on to the
tbl_020authorDetails table. The AuthorID being in the joining table should
be enough. Unless you want a column or two from tbl_020authorDetails.


-----Original Message-----
From: Saturday (Stuart Kidd) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 September 2005 16:34
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Damn Queries!

Wow, yours is a lot more simple than my complicated convoluted way!
I'll definitely give your one the thumbs up!

Thanks Ade,


On 25 Sep 2005, at 16:29, Adrian Lynch wrote:

> This should work:
> SELECT f.FeatureName
> FROM tbl_020articleFeatures f
> INNER JOIN YourJoiningTable j ON ( f.FeatureID = j.FeatureID )
> INNER JOIN tbl_020authorDetails a ON ( j.AuthorID = a.AuthorID )
> WHERE a.AuthorID = #CLIENT.authorID#
> Ade
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Saturday (Stuart Kidd) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 25 September 2005 16:07
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Damn Queries!
> Hi,
> I have a table named tbl_020articleFeatures which has fields
> featureID and featureName.
> I also have  a table named tbl_020authorDetails which has authorID as
> a field (as well as other stuff).
> I made a 'cross table' which is called tbl_020authorFeatures - this
> table will have rows to establish which authors are authorised to
> write which particular features.  In here the fields I have are
> authorFeatureID, featureID and authorID.
> I am trying to write a query which will pull only the features which
> e particular author can write.
> At the moment I have it in 2 queries but i wouldn't be surprised if i
> could just have one:
>          <!--- find all feature that this author is authorised to
> write about --->
>          <cfquery name="GetAuthorFeatures" datasource="user020">
>          SELECT authorFeaturesID, featureID, authorID
>          FROM tbl_020authorFeatures
>          WHERE authorID = #client.authorID#
>          </cfquery>
>          <!--- find all feature types --->
>          <cfquery name="GetArticleFeatureTypes" datasource="user020">
>          SELECT featureID, featureName
>          FROM tbl_020articleFeatures
>          WHERE featureID = '#GetAuthorFeatures.featureID#'
>          ORDER by featureName ASC
>          </cfquery>
> And at the moment this is only pulling the first feature ID.
> If anyone could be of any help i would be grateful.
> Thanks,
> Saturday

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