Whoa. So weird I also tested here, and the encoded "johnmurray" was 
decoded to "johnmurrax"! It's not with all 10 charcs. string, by the way.

I think this is a CF default algorithm (CFMX_COMPAT, which is compatible 
do earlier versions of CF) implementation bug.

You should use a more secure and standard algorithm, like TripleDES. 
Check out the Encrypt() documentation.

Fabio Terracini

Andy Mcshane wrote:

>Hi all, I am trying to store specific data into a database in an encrypted 
>format. This data also has to be decrypted so as to be displayed and edited 
>onscreen therefore ruling out using the hash function. The problem that I am 
>having is on the decrypt.
><cfset foo = encrypt("johnmurray", "wibble")>
>foo then equals "*5)V%5*.Z59RR$"
>I save this text to the database. An unusual thing happens when I try to 
>decrypt this text as follows;
><cfset foo = decrypt("*5)V%5*.Z59RR$", "wibble")>
>foo then equals "johnmurrax"
>as you can see the 'y' has become an 'x'.
>Now here is the strange thing, 
><cfset foo = encrypt("johnmurray ", "wibble")> - with an extra space at the 
>end of johnmurray everything encrypts/decrypts correctly using an 11 character 
><cfset foo = encrypt("johnmurra", "wibble")> - if I make it only 9 characters 
>then this also encrypts/decrypts correctly.
>It seems to only happen with 10 letter strings?
>This is on Coldfusion 7, using a SQL database. I have tried URLEncodedFormat 
>before saving to the database and then using URLDecode after retrieveing. As 
>this text is defined by the user then I cannot simply say that there can be no 
>10 character strings so has anyone ever come across this?
>Does anyone have any better encryption ideas I could use? This is a really 
>annoying little quirk as to why it only seems to affect 10 character strings, 
>weird huh?

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