Tried posting this on Friday, but it never seemed to have made it through:


We're already using subversion pretty successfully on our servers, but the
way we're using it, we're running into a few problems.  


We have a dev server, which has the production tree checked out, with
development changes made straight on the server through ftp.  Once the code
is ready to be deployed, it gets committed to the repository, and then the
svn update is run on the production server (which also has the production
tree checked out).  


Now, if there is some code that is worked on for a long time, or never gets
approved to be deployed, then we have code sitting on development for a long
time and never being in source control.  Sometimes ftp will screw up and
overwrite the file, and all the changes get lost.  


I heard that it's possible to set up svn with webdav through apache.  Is it
possible to have a set up where we are editing files through webdav or
something, and every time we save it gets saved to the development branch or
repository and also gets updated in the file system?  Then once we're ready
to deploy, we would commit it to the production repository as usual.  


Also what editors support webdav?  Homesite doesn't seem to support it, and
I've been using CFEclipse lately, which is a little buggy with the ftp
support, but I'm assuming there is a webdav plugin for it somewhere.  Is it
possible to set it up through windows somehow?  I read something about web
folders, but have not been able to figure out how to set it up in XP Pro.  




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