Quoting Ken Ketsdever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The operations side of the house here has no performance monitoring
> software in place (unbelievable but true).

Not so unbelievable.  Pretty common, actually.

> As we build and deploy new Web Servers we would like to get a
> performance baseline before we install CF. Then again after it's
> installed.   We would then use the same tool to monitor daily
> performance.

Makes sense.

> #1.  What cheap or free monitoring software would you recommend?

If you have the ability to build yourself a Linux box (I'm totally happy to
help), I can thoroughly recommend Nagios (www.nagios.org).  We use it here at
work to monitor a distributed environment (three cities) of around 200 hosts
including switches, routers and servers on multiple platforms - Win2K/2K3,
Cisco IOS, SuSE, Solaris, Oracle DB, etc.  With a little work, you can even get
it to monitor process-level activity on hosts.

It's *extremely* powerful, if a little laborious to set up initially.  Once it's
done, however, you have as good a monitoring system as you'll get anywhere, no
matter what you pay.

> #2. If we could pay for it what would you recommend?

I wouldn't - use Nagios.

> PS.  All of our boxes are Windows boxes. We are moving from win2k server
> to win2003 servers. We are also moving from cf mx 6.1 Standard to 7.0
> Enterprise.

Not a challenge.  Like I said, if you'd like some help getting this set up I'm
happy to give you a hand via email or IM.  It's definitely worth it.

Steve Collins
W www.stephencollins.org
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