Hey Guys I have been searching everywhere on this and I can't seem to figure
this out. I am only familiar with using CF Cookies in the standard way but I
have this asp site that I am having to port over to CF and I need to write
cookies in CF much the same way we did using ASP. But it seems that with ASP
you can give the Cookie a general name to refer to it by. But I am having a
hard time figuring this out in CF or if it's even possible. 
Here is an example of our ASP Cookie... 
  Response.Cookies("RSHold")("AgentNumber") = RSAgent("AgentNumber") 
  Response.Cookies("RSHold")("AgentName") = RTrim(RSAgent("AgentFirst"))+ "
" + RTrim(RSAgent("AgentLast")) 
  Response.Cookies("RSHold")("Rank") = RSAgent("CurrentRank") 
  Response.Cookies("RSHold")("EntityID") = RSAgent("EntityID") 
I need to build this same Cookie using CF but cant figure it out. Am I
missing something?
This is what I have so far for CF but it's not the same... 
<cfcookie name="AgentNumber" value="#AgentNumber#" expires="now" path="/">
<cfcookie name="AgentName" value="#AgentFirst# #AgentLast#" expires="now"
<cfcookie name="Rank" value="#CurrentRank#" expires="#EntityID#"  path="/">
Any help on this would be grateful thanks. 
Neal Bailey
Internet Marketing Manager

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