Okay, JIm, using this and your last suggestion, I have made a test case 
that I think points to the same issue that I was having in the 
beginning.  Of course, the code that I have will run correctly.  I agree 
that just testing for the "qry_get_topcats" var wasn't the right way to 

Running the code below, I always get the result "MakeTree rides again" 
when I refresh the page, so it apparently seems like the module call is 
not modifying the cached query, it is just modifying the cached query, 
but dropping that modified query at the end of the request - right?  I 
also see that make_tree.cfm is being called every time when I turn on 
debugging.  Weird?  Normal behavior?

<cfquery name="qry_get_topcats" datasource="#Request.DS#" 
username="#Request.user#" password="#Request.pass#" 
SELECT Category_ID, Name, Parent_ID, ParentIDs
FROM Categories
WHERE Categories.Display = 1
ORDER BY Priority, Name

<cfif NOT IsDefined("qry_get_topcats.maketreesortlevel")>
        "MakeTree rides again"

Jim Davis wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:12 PM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: RE: ways to cache a query other than 'cachedwithin'
>>Now I'm not so sure about that... but I think I'm still right.
>>The queryname is definitely used as part of the key to the cached data...
>>but since it's not in a permanent scope I don't see how it could be
>>available to be checked (using IsDefined()) until the query is run.
>>I think this needs some testing...
> Do some testing... I think I'm correct.  Run the following code (but change
> the query to actually work on your system):
> <cfif IsDefined("MyQuery")>
>       Is Defined!
> <cfelse>
>       Is NOT Defined!
> </cfif>
> <cfquery      datasource="..."
>               name="MyQuery"
>               cachedwithin="1"
>               result="MyQueryInfo">
>       SELECT ...
> </cfquery>
> <cfdump var="#MyQueryInfo#">
> The first time you run it you'll see that "MyQuery" is not defined.  The
> Query metadata will show that in this instance it's not been cached.
> The second time you run it you'll see that "MyQuery" is still not defined...
> but the metadata will show that the query was retrieved from cache.
> Hope this helps,
> Jim Davis

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