On 9/30/05, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone confirm this bug on CF 7.0.1?
> <cffunction name="t">
>         <cfargument name="a" type="numeric" required="true" />
>         <cfreturn "_" & a & "_" />
> </cffunction>
> <cfoutput>
> #t(34)#
> #t("34 ")#
> </cfoutput>
> The second call to 't' should throw an error that the argument isn't
> numeric, but it allows it.  Even worse, the value of 'a' inside the
> method isn't 34, but "34 " (note the trailing slash).  I don't have a
> 7.0.1 install, but I've confirmed this bug it on 6.1 and 7.

Well your example doesn't have a trailing slash, it has a trailing
space. It looks like what it's doing in that case in trim()-ing the
value sent in to check its type. When I change your example above to:


it breaks as I would expect ("The argument A passed to function t() is
not of type numeric."). There's no returntype on the function, so
returning a string is fine.

Did I miss something though?


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