Ok i have a SQL 2000 Stored Procedure which generates insert
statements for me. When i run the cfquery tag to execute this SP it
returns back X rows of data.

When i cfdump the query VAR i see all the records but the column name
is called "COMPUTED_COLUMN_1"

When i try to CFLOOP over this query and referance it as
#myquery.COMPUTED_COLUMN_1# i get an error telling me there is an
error in my insert script.

I figured out the error was because CF was inserting extra single
quotes so i wrapped my var in PreserveSingleQuotes() and now i get the
The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually
indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system
Null Pointers are another name for undefined values.

Here's my code:
<cfquery name="q_grabSourceContent" datasource="master#getSourceServer()#">
        USE #getSourceDB()#
        EXEC sp_generate_inserts #getSourceTableName()#<cfif
IsDefined('arguments.ignoreFields') AND
Len(Trim(arguments.ignoreFields))> @cols_to_exclude =

<cfloop query="q_grabSourceContent">
        <cfquery name="q_grabSourceContent"
                USE #getDestinationDB()#
error here --->


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