If I understand correctly, you're looking to loop over two lists at the same

If the lists are productIDs and quantities then try the following:

<cfloop from="1" to"#ListLen(productIDs)#" index="i">

                        Product ID: #ListGetAt(productIDs, i)#<br />
                        Quantity: #ListGetAt(quantities, i)#


Swap in your SQL code and away you go.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Laureska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 01 October 2005 22:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: a little loop help plz

I've got a form that passes two variable lists:
1) Product id (could be up to 3 different product id's)
2) Quantity of product corresponding to the product name:

I'm trying to insert the product ids and the product quantities into the
same table.  I can break down and insert one variable list (ex. product
id) into a linking table by using something like:

<cfset product_List="#form.product_id#">
<cfloop index="i" list=#product_list# delimiters=",">
<cfquery datasource="#datasource#">
INSERT INTO products (product_id)

But If I want to "breakdown" the quantity list for that product_id and
insert it into the same linking table I get stuck

Can someone lend a hand here with a pointer

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