Don't forget you can use argumentCollection to dynamically pass
attributes to a CFC method or UDF. That would let you use cfscript if
you want to. argumentCollection for CFCs/UDFs works the same as
attributeCollection for custom tags.

On 10/3/05, wolf2k5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I usually prefer CFScript over CF TAGs since it's more concise.
> However sometimes TAGs seem better at that, e.g.:
> TAGs version:
> <cfinvoke component="#myCFC#" method="myMethod">
>         <cfinvokeargument name="myRequiredParam" 
> value="#form.myRequiredParam#">
>         <cfif structKeyExists(form,"myOptionalParam")>
>                 <cfinvokeargument name="myRequiredParam" 
> value="#form.myOptionalParam#">
>         </cfif>
> </cfinvoke>
> CFScript version:
> if (structKeyExists(form,"myOptionalParam"))
>         myCFC.myMethod(
>                 myRequiredParam = form.myRequiredParam,
>                 myOptionalParam = form.myOptionalParam,
>         );
> else
>         myCFC.myMethod(
>                 myRequiredParam = form.myRequiredParam,
>         );
> As you can see, I am forced to write two calls to the same method in
> the CFScript version, while I can simply use CFIF in the TAGs version
> to include the optional method in the call (only if the optional
> variable exists).
> As you can imagine, when there are a lot of optional arguments, I need
> to duplicate a lot of code with CFScript.
> Is there a better way of handling optional arguments in function
> calling with CFscript?
> Thanks in advance.

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