Ok, nevermind.  A quick look into my programming cf mx book after I sent 
this email mentioned that creating a variable with the period notation 
will automatically create a structure.


Mike Soultanian wrote:
> I am a little bit confused about declaring a structure.  Take a look at 
> the following:
> <cfset name.first = "mike" />
> <cfset name.last = "soultanian" />
> Assuming that I never explicitly declared "name" as a struct, is the 
> preceding code segment valid?  If I then do a <cfdump var="#name#" /> it 
> will say that it's a struct, even though I didn't actually declare it 
> using structnew().
> The reason I ask is because I have noticed, especially in CFCs, that 
> coders will use variables.instance.<variable names> without ever 
> declaring variables.instance as a structure.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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