It does have either CR or LF in the file, but it shows up a little square? 
What does that mean, is it the same thing?  I think if I put everything into 
a variable and then look for the CR or LF I might be able to get somewhere.

>Perhaps you could replace the html angle brackets with escape characters 
>then sort into columns.  That would save you needing to parse the file,

That also sounds like it would work...

Thanks guys...I'll mess around with both ideas and see if I can get 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: CFHTTP

> Does the HTML also have CR or LF in it? or is it all on one line for
> each record?
> On 10/5/05, Matthew Blatchley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At this point I'm just trying to display it, but I will eventually be
>> storing both the SKU and the description in two separate db fields.  The
>> file format sucks, but I can't do too much to change it...thousands of
>> records, some has html other records don't....
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Andy Matthews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "CF-Talk" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 12:43 PM
>> Subject: RE: CFHTTP
>> > Are you trying to write to the text file or just read the whole thing 
>> > in?
>> >
>> > <!----------------//------
>> > andy matthews
>> > web developer
>> > ICGLink, Inc.
>> > 615.370.1530 x737
>> > --------------//--------->
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Matthew Blatchley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 12:29 PM
>> > To: CF-Talk
>> > Subject: CFHTTP
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm trying to break down a txt file using cfhttp and running into a 
>> > road
>> > block.  It's txt file that contains regular and HTML tags.  I keep 
>> > getting
>> > an error when it gets to the HTML code in the file.
>> >
>> > example:
>> > <cfhttp url="description.txt" method="GET" name="Inventory_Stats"
>> > columns="SKU,PRODUCT_DESCRIPT" textqualifier="" delimiter="|">
>> > The text file format looks like this:
>> > 12345354 | <p>html here</p>
>> > I continue to not be able to get the HTML to be put in a column 
>> > properly
>> > and
>> > get an error.
>> >
>> > "Illegal operation in Cold Fusion Extension (CFX) You have attempted to
>> > refer to an invalid row/column combination of a query."
>> >
>> >  I've tried a few different attempts and have read a few different
>> > posting,
>> > but most aren't doing exactly this.  What to I need to do, use
>> > #cfhttp.FileContent# instead and then loop through the records?
>> >
>> > Matt
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

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