>On Friday 07 October 2005 15:14, Larry Lyons wrote:
>> A simpler way would be to create 2 styles, lets call one results1 and the
>> other results0
>Simpler is what we do here- give the table the class 'sortable' or 
>'zebrastrip' and the common javascript code zebra strips it client-side, with 
>optional sorting by clicking the th cells.
>Next mission is to make it do client-side paging to.
>Tom Chiverton 
>Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Simpler? Lets see about 1 line of cf code and 3 or so for the stylesheet vs at 
least 10  for the javascript. Also lets not forget that many people turn JS 
off. If that's your definition of simple, then you have a bright future with 
the Bush administration.


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  • Re: MOD Larry Lyons

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