
>If I have the choice of 'product A' or 'product B', and product A is
>documented as being overwhelmingly targeted by hackers, I think that
>should be a factor in my decision.  But hey, to each their own and

I think you may be misreading some of the Serv-U quotes. It's not "targeted"
by hackers, but hackers commonly use builds of Serv-U v2 once they have
compromise a server so they can FTP in to the server.  It's not that they
compromise Serv-U (although there have been security holes found in some
older versions,) it's that they would install a copy of Serv-U to use as a
way to access the server.

There's a difference between hackers using an application and exploiting the
application. The reason Serv-U became so popular to use as a "backdoor" was
because early versions of Serv-U only needed an INI file (no installation,)
it left a very small memory footprint and was pretty easy to hide a process.
Not to mention, it was such a popular FTP server that it might often go
overlooked if found, because admins are used to seeing it installed on their

In my experience, I've found Serv-U to be really secure in the past.
Granted, as the program has grown, so have the potential for security holes,
but Rob's always been good about patching problems quickly.


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