>I've taken a couple weeks off and have been getting things here at
>home organized which has made me realize how UNorganized things at the
>office are. There are upgrades to the existing site that I want to
>implement but get caught up in the day-to-day grind of getting things
>done that are a must. Any suggestions welcome - even if it's a good
>ole pencil and paper! LOL

1) block off your time - mornings for maintenance and afternoons for 
development (just an example). You won't be able to stick to it 100% because 
people will always come running with a problem when you are busy doing 
something else, but you have to try real hard to tell them it will have to wait 
until tomorrow or this afternoon or whatever. If it can't, then it can't - but 
YOU should be part of that decision, not just the person asking (or else it can 
never wait)

2) try to make a release schedule, like only releasing code once a week (again, 
just an example). Resist the urge to push things onto the live server as soon 
as they're done, aim at batching a few updates/changes at a time.

3) invest effort into scripting every single annoying and repetitive task you 
have to do as part of your job. Aim for systematic solutions to problems so 
that next time it's just a matter of running a script.

I've been in your shoes and it's not fun - if you aren't willing to sacrifice 
your personal life and do your real work at night when everybody else has gone 
home, then a modicum of hard love is in order.

just my 0.02$

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