> Just a FYI. Even if you have a site wide error handling, or even a cferror
> tag, a cftry/cfcacth will override those.

Yep...that's why I couldn't figure out what was up...but I did know what 
"should" take precedence

 As you really never explained the
> error, and there was the possibility that you didn't have output='true' 
> then
> I can also assume that you haven't patched your server with the cfdump in 
> a
> cftry block bug.

Not sure about the patch (on MX 7)....but I know I've seen cfdump work 
inside a cftry.  The biggie I never mentioned is that this is a 
webservice...so I would assume output of true wouldn't work anyways??

All is workinig now though...essentially by not having a cfreturn as part of 
the cfcatch, I was causing an error of the wrong datatype being returned 
(i.e. nothing being returned when it should have been a query).

I've seen lots of complaints about debugging webservices in CF....I'm 
starting to understand why ;-)


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830
web: www.electricedgesystems.com 

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