Nice & tidy Alex, thanks, I'll use this. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Sherwood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 October 2005 20:05
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Loop through a structure of structures

Try this:

[CFLOOP collection=RSStructure item="itm]

    [cfset thisQuery  =RSStructure[itm]]

    [cfoutput query =thisQuery]

       .. query output code here



Hope this helps.


Andy Mcshane wrote:

>Hi all, I think I have been looking at this for too long and cannot figure
out how to loop through and output a structure of query results.
>I have a CFC that will return multiple recordsets. I figured that the only
way that I could return multiple recordsets from a CFC was to return them
within a structure. My query runs inside my CFC and returns 17 individual
recordsets. I create a structure and add each of these recordsets to it so
my structure now looks like this;
>    RS1   query - Rows 2
>            AGE   ID   NAME
>          1  22    1   Wibble
>          2  21    2   Wobble
>    RS2   query - Rows 3
>            AGE   ID   NAME
>          1  22    3   Wibble
>          2  21    4   Wobble
>          3  30    5   Woo
>    RS3   query - Rows 3
>            AGE   ID   NAME
>          1  34    6   Wibble
>          2  23    7   Wobble
>          3  33    8   Woo
>This continues until I have 17 recordsets within my structure. I then
return this structure to my calling page. Now I must be having a really
brain dead day because for the life of me I cannot remeber how to reference
each of my recordsets within this structure so that I can output the data,
it must be simple but then again so must I be at the moment! Can anybody
help this flagging programmer?

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