ok, I appreciate that you *can* solve the problem if a user isn't there, but
here's an example of my typical experience with VSS:

Bob, Fred and Joe are all working on the same project and sit within 6 feet
of each other.

Day starts
Bob checks out files a, b, c, d, and e.
Fred checks out files f,g and h.
Joe checks out fils i, j, k, and l

10.00 am Joe gets called off to a meeting
10.15 am Bob realizes he needs to check out file j. Finds it's locked, so
goes off to look for an administrator.
10.20 am Fred realizes he needs to add something to file e. Finds it's
locked, so goes off to look for Bob.
10.30 am Bob returns having found that the administrator has been called off
to do some work for a client. Starts creating a workaround for the things he
needs in file j.
10.35 am Fred returns and gets Bob to release file e.
11.00 am Fred leaves to go to a client site forgetting to check in his work.
11.15 am Joe returns and gets a bunch of abuse from Bob. Joe releases his
files so Bob can get the update.
11.30 am Joe realizes he needs to use file g. Finds out that it's locked and
Fred isn't there. Finds out Admin isn't around, can't get Freds on his
mobile. Starts to create a workaround for the stuff in file g.
11.45 am Bob realizes he needs something in file g. Talks to Joe. They work
together to create a new version of g which they call file m. They refactor
their code so that it no longer requires file g.
12.00 pm Bob goes off to lunch.
12.15 pm Joe realizes he needs to work on file d. Sees that Bob is at lunch
and decides to go to lunch himself.
1.00 pm Bob returns from lunch and gets called off to a meeting.
1.30 pm Joe returns from lunch and finds that he still can't get to file d.

I spent quite a while working in a place where that sort of thing was all
too typical.

It's certainly possible to discipline yourself so that these problems don't
occur, but real life and commercial pressures often get in the way of rigid

The CVS/SVN way of doing things eliminates that sort of problem.


On 10/27/05, Andy McShane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have used VSS virtually from day one and have never yet had any problems
> with it, not a single corruption. I can confirm that what Neil states
> below
> is correct in so far as if you have access to the admin login you can
> easily
> checkin/checkout files checked out by another user and have multiple
> checkouts.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
> Sent: 27 October 2005 12:00
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Source Control Theory.....
> Well, logging in as Admin would have solved the first problem of checking
> in
> a file checked out by another user (all depends on client/server setup I
> suppose) - but you can certainly check an on vacation users file yourself.
> VSS,does support multiple checkouts - so I am not sure where your problem
> their was?
> Corrupt code, I have never had but I hear it can happen with certain file
> types.
> Hopefully VSS 7 will sort that out ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Spike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2005 11:58
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Source Control Theory.....
> I have also had some very bad experiences with VSS.
> Two specific problems that I've had:
> A developer checked out some code and didn't check it back in before going
> on holiday. This caused us a lot of headaches because we didn't have the
> password for his machine and he'd checked out stuff that a lot of other
> people needed to work with.
> VSS completely corrupted the source code for a project I was working on a
> few years ago. Again, this caused us a lot of headaches because we had
> lost
> the complete change history for the project.
> The VSS workflow doesn't work well for me either because it requires that
> you organize yourselves in such a way that two people never have the same
> code checked out. My experience has been that allowing multiple developers
> to check out and work on the same code is much more productive.
> Spike
> On 10/27/05, Massimo Foti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > What does SVN give you that VSS does not?
> >
> > http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch02s02.html
> >
> > VSS use Lock-Modify-Unlock, SVN can use both Copy-Modify-Merge and
> > Lock-Modify-Unlock. I very much prefer the Copy-Modify-Merge approach,
> but
> > it's a matter of personal preferences.
> >
> > Multiple languages binding and WEBDAV integration could also be a plus.
> >
> >
> > Personally I also had some very bad experiences with VSS corrupting
> data,
> > but this doesn't necessarely apply to others.
> >
> > ----------------------------
> > Massimo Foti
> > Tools for ColdFusion and Dreamweaver developers:
> > http://www.massimocorner.com
> > ----------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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