Hi all

I'm looking for comments about cfc instantiation and the best
practices for cflock.

Please look this code used in my application.

When user enters in application i call a cfc.

In application.cfm:
-----------BEGIN application.cfm---------------
<cfif not isDefined('session.Instantiated')>
<cfset session.ComponentVar =
<cfset session.qryAllProducts = session.ComponentVar.getAllProducts()>  
several cfset with session variables related to all SELECT queries in cfc
-------------END application.cfm--------------

In app.cfc:
---------------BEGIN app.cfc-----------------------
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfset init()>
<cffunction name="init" access="public">
<cfreturn this>
<cffunction name="getAllProducts" output="false" access="public"
hint="Get all products" returntype="query">
arguments list
<cfquery name="qryAllProducts" datasource="#application.DSN#">
<!--- query is loaded to session scope --->
<cfset session.qryAllProducts = qryAllProducts> 
<cfreturn session.qryAllProducts>
several CRUD operations
----------------END app.cfc---------------------

- This(using cfc in session scope) is a best practice?
- Need cflock? Where?
- It's possible to optimize this application? How?

Any help will be very appreciated.



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