Interesting, I am running CFStudio just fine on a 96Mb laptop.  My current
memory usage is reported at 222Mb (big swap file :-) and the only trouble I
have is an error AFTER the program has shut down!

I regularly have CFStudio open for a complete 8 hour day with no crashes (if
I can convince windows to run that long) with Dreamweaver opened at regular
intervals through the period and PhotoShop running most of it.

Sure there are some slowdowns when switching between apps at the page file
goes crazy, but once the foreground app is fully active and running from
real RAM things get back to regular speed and no crashing.

I am not saying studio is perfect, and I don't use a lot of it's "advanced"
features like deployment so there must be areas I haven't fully explored the
crashability of, but for the most part it seems to be one of the most stable
apps I run.

James Smith

----- Original Message -----
From: "William J Wheatley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: ColdFusion SP2

> well now that we are talking about Studio my 2 cents.
> I get alot of crashes on it too for no reason most of the time when it
> manages to suck down my 500 megs of ram on my personal box =) which was
> added just to be able to let me have CF & DreamWeaver/UltraDev open at the
> same time since they are both way to hoggy but i've found CF to be more
> And also there is a bug that when you save a file sometimes it does not
> as being saved (it stays blue). And personally for me the most annoying
> thing for me was that STUDIO screws up me being able to ALT-TAB through
> it keeps CF on top unless i do a little trick i've learned to do. But have
> them fix that alt-tab bug and i'll buy you all <CF_BEER> mugs
> Thanks! =)
> Bill Wheatley
> Director of Development
> Allaire ColdFusion Consulting Partner

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