why not just name the images something like "img_large.jpg" and "img_thumb.jpg"

this way you can just store "img" in the database (in one record), and
output #img#_large.jpg or #img#_thumb.jpg depending on which you need?

On 11/2/05, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For my products, I have a tblImageTypes that looks like this
> ImageTypeID (PK)     ImageTypeName
> 1                    Thumbnail
> 2                    Large
> I have a many/linking tblimages_rel that looks like this
> ImageID (PK)  ImageTypeID (FK)  prodID (FK)  filename
> 1                1               25           shirtsmall.jpg
> 2                2               25           shirtlarge.jpg
> On my detail page I'd like to show the small image and link it to the larger 
> image but I'm having trouble on how to run my query.
> <cfquery blah blah>
> SELECT imageID, prodID, imagetypeID, prodimagefilename
> FROM tblimages_rel
> WHERE prodID = #URL.prodID#
> ???????
> Thanks,
> Will

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