
The main problem with that however is that i have no way of knowing  
when somebody visited the site so I can pick out the top ranked  
articles from the previous 12 hours.



On 3 Nov 2005, at 14:39, Brian Peddle wrote:

> Why does it matter if someone already viewed the article?  If you  
> are going
> to remove historical data anyway, after 14 hours, what does it  
> matter if the
> person visited 2 hours later or 15 hours later.  What about people  
> using
> proxy servers, you may be blocking out unique views.
> I think I would axe that, add a column to the article table called  
> views.
> Create a stored proc or query that selects the article and then  
> does an
> update.  Update article_table set views = views + 1.  Or something  
> like
> that.
> Then no need to worry about space and scheduling a delete.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Saturday (Stuart Kidd) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 8:48 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Finding top ranked articles
> Hi guys,
> Late last night in a matter of moments I found myself creating a
> table called tbl_020articleTopRanked .  The idea was to do something
> similar to news stories where they display their 5 top-viewed
> articles (like at SMH: - at the bottom end of
> the page).
> So in my creation I created this table and put 4 fields there,
> topRankedID (PK - incrementing), articleID (ID of the article which
> has just been viewed), dateViewed (when it was viewed) and lastly
> ipAddress (client's IP address).
> Each time the page gets viewed a check is made to see whether this IP
> has already viewed the page in the last few hours.  If they have then
> an insert doesn't happen but if they haven't then a record is  
> inserted.
> It all works fine and I'm very happy, but i'm just trying to work out
> the best way to work out what are the top viewed pages in the last 12
> hours.  I also will create a script to delete, say, all inserts over
> 14 hours old so that i'm not using too much MS-SQL space (this i'll
> do as a CFSCHEDULE or get the hosting company to set up a schedule to
> run that script.
> Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Saturday

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