lol. Great reply. :-)

Thx Barney!

On 11/9/05, Barney Boisvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Based on my experience building custom, app-specific generators, what
> I've liked, disliked, and considered...
> A generator should be able to be rerun at arbitrary times and update
> the CRUD part without affecting anything else. It should create beans
> that have getters/setters for properties. It should allow custom
> mappings between table names and entity names (i.e. I can say a table
> called 'mytable' maps to an entity called 'TableDeMoi').
> There should be some automated translation for underscore_separated
> names to camelCase names, both for entities and fields. Surrogate
> primary keys should always be translated to 'id' properties on
> entities (i.e. person.person_id maps to Person.getId()). Both of
> these should be optional/customizable if you're distributing.
> Methods should be smart enough to only do something when needed. So
> if I load an entity and then immediately call save(), nothing should
> happen, since the entity's properties haven't been changed. There
> should be a 'save' method, which will intelligently insert or update,
> ideally only the modified fields on updates.
> Beans should have a constructor that accepts full instance data as
> args. Beans should automatically have basic validation coded by the
> generator. I.e. INT fields can automatically check for integer-ness,
> varchar fields can be checked for length restrictions, etc. That
> should be easily extensible by the app developer, of course, without
> affecting the ability to regenerate if the DB schema changes.
> Beans should have getMemento and setMemento methods that allow for
> serializing the object state. According to the DP, the memento should
> be opaque (usually an inner class), but CF doesn't afford that very
> easily, so non-opaque is fine with me. Whatever that memento is, it
> should be trivially serialized/deserialized, or some other means of
> serializing/deserializing should be exposed.
> Some entity relationship support would be ideal, based on DB foreign
> keys. I.e. if the 'car' table has an 'ownerId' field that references
> <>, there should be getOwner:Person and
> setOwner(Person):void
> methods, and probably getOwnerId:int and setOwnerId(int):void methods
> as well. Ideally the Person object would have getCarList, addCar, and
> removeCar methods as well, but that's harder to autogenerate, unless
> you're doing the whole schema at once, rather than a single
> entity/table.
> And then the holy grail: many-to-many relationship support. I'd be
> happy with forcing the 'link' table to be it's own implicit entity, as
> long as the two 'real' entities are smart enough to have direct access
> to the other 'real' entity. I.e. the link table entity is an exposed
> implementation detail. For example, people own cars, cars are owned
> by people. Person, Car, and CarOwnership entities with
> Person.getCarList, Car.getOwnerList, and CarOwnership.getPerson
> methods, along with their supporting methods.
> Updates to relationships need to be clearly documented, as does the
> effect of calling save on an entity with modified related objects.
> Propogation is good, but should be disable-able at some level or
> another.
> I'd hope to see factory/managers for the beans so they're easy to use.
> Aside from getPersonById, and getNewPerson, also have
> createPerson(name, dob, ...), deletePerson(id), and updatePerson(id,
> name, dob...) for calling from your UI(s). This would also be the
> place for doing caching and lazy loading in an encapsulated way. If
> you cache, hooks should be exposed that can be used for syncing across
> a cluster (the sync stuff would be built by the app developer and
> utilize the hooks).
> Some recognition of concurrency issues should be made, even if it's
> just to explicitly say "you're on your own". Smart updates (i.e. only
> updating modified fields) goes a long way to mitigating this issue,
> but doesn't address it completely. For example UPDATE table SET f = f
> + 1 WHERE id = 3; is atomic, but t=getTById(3);t.setF(t.getF() +
> 1);; is not atomic. Concurrency issues don't exist with the
> former, but do with the latter, unless the whole thing is in a
> transaction. That's a restriction this type of code can't enforce,
> but a well designed application will likely exhibit that behaviour so
> if clearly documented, I'd say it's reasonable to assume.
> Of course, there are sound arguments against this sort of thing at
> all. It's a delecate balance between using a tool to help you do your
> job, and relying on a tool because you can't really do your job. I'm
> all for using them until you've got a sound reason not to, though.
> cheers,
> barneyb
> On 11/8/05, John C. Bland II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is it "everyone" looks for in a CRUD generator? I see some folks
> saying
> > they'd like to see best practices, some want getters/setters, and others
> > just want a function you pass everything too.
> >
> > Just a little reserach...
> >
> > --
> > John C. Bland II
> > "I do what I can do when I can do it." - Chris Tucker, Money Talks
> >
> --
> Barney Boisvert
> 360.319.6145
> Got Gmail? I have 100 invites.

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