Yes, if you define the mapping: "/lib" = "/home/httpd/project1/cffiles/"

Then in your Cold Fusion code you can do this:
<cfinclude template="/lib/commerce.cfm">

Instead of this:
<cfinclude template="/home/httpd/project1/cffiles/commerce.cfm">

This works for cfinclude, and cfmodule.

Unfortunately, you can NOT define separate mapping for each virtual server, so if you 
have a development, testing, and production copy of your site on the same server you 
can't really use mapping because your code will reference "/lib" (or whatever you use) 
and all three of the sites will be pointed to the SAME directory :-(
In this case, you are stuck with putting some code in Application.cfm to figure out 
what your root directory is (using "GetCurrentTemplatePath()" ) and stick in a 
variable such as #lib# and then using <cfinclude template="#lib#/commerce.cfm>

At 03:52 AM 9/27/00 -0700, monika kon wrote:
>Can any one explain me the concept of mapping on CF
>server for using it on CFINCLUDE tag.
>thanks in advance
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