Anthony Try something like this:

<cfdocumentitem type="footer">
        <style type="text/css">
                div.footer {}
                div.footer p.seenextpage {
                        display: none ;
                div.footer div.instance1 p.seenextpage {
                        display: block ;
        <div align="center" class="footer">
                <div class="instance#CFDOCUMENT.CurrentPageNumber#">
                        <p class="seenextpage">
                                See Next Page


What this does is default the paragraph class SeeNextPage to NOT display,
however, when the inbetween div is instance1 (as it is created via the
CurrentPageNumber), it will show on the first page. 

For this to work, the style tags MUST be in the Footer item.

I haven't tested this specifically, but I have gotten things like this to

Ben Nadel 
Web Developer
Nylon Technology
6 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10011
212.691.3477 fax
"Always confident, seldom correct."

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Prato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 3:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cfdocument and footer troubles

I'm working on a document that sometimes requires two pages. This is
based on the number of items returned by a query. When two pages are
needed I would like both pages to have "page x of 2" on the right
footer and something like "See next page" on the center of the footer
on the first page only. The page number part is easy, event though i
need to use a cfoutput (livedocs example doesn't use cfoutput)
The problem I'm having is trying to use:
<cfif cfdocument.currentpagenumber EQ 1>see next page</cfif>
I don't get the text on either page. I tried putting pound signs
around it, and quotes. I also tried using the query.recordcount but
then the page doesn't load at all. I also tried moving the doc item
footer tag around with no luck. I also tried moving it to after my
pagebreak which livedocs says:
If the tag is in the middle of the document, it applies to the rest of
the document
But even though its after my page break it still shows on the first page.

Anyone gotten any something like this to work?


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