Re: CFHTTP building a query: the CSV parsing is broken as follows:

If you specify a text qualifier then EVERY field must be surrounded by that text 
qualifier or CFHTTP gives an error. 
I would expect that a very common source of CSV files is from Microsoft Excel. When 
Excel saves CSV files it ONLY puts " text qualifiers " around fields that have commas 
embedded in them. All fields without commas do NOT get "text qualifiers" (because 
there is no ambiguity with the delimiters). This as I just pointed out will cause 
CFHTTP to give an error.

At 08:50 AM 9/27/00 -0400, Damon Cooper wrote:
>ColdFusion Service Pack 2 is under construction, and I'd like to get your
>feedback on what you believe to be Must-Be-Fixed items.
>While Service Pack 1 focused heavily on stability and performance issues
>(across platform and Unix-specific), we'd like to nail as many serious
>feature and tag bugs as possible, although the release cycle will be
>significantly shorter (shooting for an early November release).
>Currently, here's a summary of bug fixes slated for SP2:
>18965                   Native Oracle CLOB support
>18389                   Security/Solaris Cfexec restart of Security Proxy
>17873                   Informix 2.3 & 2.5 client lib support 
>15776                   CFMAIL recipients truncated at 246 characters
>18191,18237,18314       CFHTTP Post failure (but redirects must still be an
>absolute url)
>18338, 17121            LSNumberFormat and NumberFormat problems
>16663                   MIME attached over regular WAP gateway (UTF-8).  
>19010                   CFFILE/move problem on Unix file systems
>17601                   COM Threading Model Changes
>18311                   CFHTTP 'Connection Failure' error if the status code
>is 204 
>18246                   CFPOP unknown exception condition
>18811                   POP3 enhancement
>18058, 16875            Applet interface in CFAdmin problems with parm
>18607                   MSAccess bug hangs CF on Win2k/SP1
>18579                   Secuirty Administration Bug - cfm file change
>17543                   Locale Date Support - Solaris
>10115                   European dates broken in Solaris CF 4.5+ 
>19003                   CFFTP connection bug 
>12523                   Unix, LSParseDateTime only functions for US english.
>18991                   CFHTTP on Linux crash with >4k content
>18234, 17792            MS SQLServer problems on Linux
>18778                   Scheduled tasks don't run with CFREGISTRY disabled
>I can't promise anything, but this release is for you, and I want to make
>sure you're heard.  Please either post to the list or send email directly to
>me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and reference your Allaire Issue/Bug # if you have
>Damon Cooper
>ColdFusion Release Manager 
>To Unsubscribe visit 
> or send a 
>message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body. 

Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
Phone 1.212.545.1232 x204 Fax 1.212.679.8032

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