Do you have any links or postings that give some tips on searching? Do
you use search>search... or edit>find/replace...?
I am very very new to eclipse and I can't seem to get it do anything I
like. Can you show the context of the results? Can you get the search
results window to come up for just the current file or all open files?

To add a comment about multi-line search & replace, I know you can use
the regex to handle the tabs, newlines etc but the main benefit to me
about the multiline is being able to cut and paste. I think my most
common task is using it to reformat a file.

On 12/6/05, Nathan Strutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/6/05, Anthony Prato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > been said by others, but the multi line find/replace from HS is the
> > best. Its saved me manual labor more times than I can count.
> > The results are much better too.
> My opinion is that the multi-line facet of HS's search & replace is
> the only thing it has going for it, against Eclipse, plus you can fake
> it in Eclipse with a regular expression like \s (any whitespace
> character), \n (newline), \r (carriage return) and \t (tab). Eclipse's
> regular expression searching is a LOT more powerful and precise than
> HS's. Eclipse can display results in a flat layout like HS or in a
> folder tree. Eclipse will save previous searches in the current
> session (and my sessions tend to last for days, so i can see what i
> searched for on monday). Also, you can define a working set, or a
> group of folders and projects, possibly spanning multiple projects,
> and search just them. All in all, I think the searching in HS is nice,
> maybe easier, but Eclipse is better.
> Maybe we should call Mike Dinowitz's emergency-only cell and ask him
> what he thinks.
> -nathan strutz

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