Hi Mark,

Yes, that is understood and is precisely what I'm doing.

The issue is that any user of "botApplication" who hits any template containing 
a reference to a session variable (*even if protected within isdefined() 
checks*) will receive an error.  At least that is the behavior with CFMX 6.1.


>Session management is set at the "application" level. It's not different for
>each visitor - it is the same for all pages governed by the
>"application.cfm" page.  Try this approach.
><Cfif cgi.http_user_agent IS "....some list of bots...">
>       <cfapplication name="botApplication" sessionmanagement="no"....>
>       <cfapplication name="RegularUserApplication" sessionmanagement="yes">
>this code will in effect create 2 applications - botApplication and
>regularuserapplication - one with mangement "ON" and one with mangement
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Terry Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:57 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: pseudo-memory leak
>Correct, that's what I'm trying to do -- disable session management entirely
>for bots so that thousands of sessions dont get needlessly created and
>destroyed every 15 minutes.
>Just to put this in perspective as to why I'm experimenting with this,
>Google has over 500,000 pages from my site indexed.  Add in Google Adwords
>on a large number of those pages, and Google is literally hammering the site
>24 hrs a day.  This is great for driving traffic, but the overhead of
>maintaining state for each one of these bot requests seems wasteful to me.
>The problem is that as soon as you disable session management, all pages
>that reference session variables (even inside of scope existence checks)
>throw errors.
>So it doesn't look like there's a way to me of disabling session management
>for certain cgi.http_user_agents, yet having it enabled for non-bots.

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