It looks like the thread killer has done it again, sorry. 
Did I say something wrong?

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 14 December 2005 12:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: WebService worked in 6.1 but fails with CFMX 7.0

Hi, those two WSDLs really are quite different. If you're super sure the two
servers are running the exact same code (I'm assuming that's true) then I
think you can say the enhancements in CF7 (ie: newer Axis engine or related
features) are the cause of the wsdl differences. Some can be explained and
are probably of no consequence. ie: [wsdl:documentation] was added.

Without getting into the detail of the WSDL, although all method names are
the same the interface for the webservice has changed so the client code
probably needs to be recompiled against the new wsdl. Unless it's a smart
client that could cope with some changes in the WSDL/interface, but I'm
assuming it's just a VB or .Net client app :) Do you have any control over
the client app to make changes?

Getting into the WSDL there are enough differences in the old and new to
think the client probably wont cope with out being recompiled (at least).
- Extra imports in the cf7: import namespace="http://rpc.xml.coldfusion";
- Many types are different ie: UUID is xsd:string versus soapenc:string
- Some names are not in the same case: 'availableTaskCount' vs
- wsdl xml attributes are ordered differently (yeah the order shouldn't
matter but your client app may have (wrongly) relied on it).

Perhaps these points will trigger a response from someone in the know as to
why this occurs, or how to make it work in the CF6.1 style on CF7.

I tried the WSDL validator too ( ) - not bad, but I wasn't
sure exactly what it was validating against, or how to interpret the error.
You could try the Testing Tools at, but that's not going to
tell you how compliant your client app is. 


-----Original Message-----
From: blists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 December 2005 6:37 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: WebService worked in 6.1 but fails with CFMX 7.0


Here are the two WSDL files in question. They are both identical CFML, but
the WSDL on CF7.0 is different than the one on CF6.1 and no longer works
with our client application or when I try to run it through this tester: Any idea on what could be

Dev Server (CFMX 7)

Live Server

Any ideas on what could be wrong?


At 06:25 PM 12/10/2005, you wrote:
On 12/10/05, blists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have a working web service that is deployed on CFMX 6.1. Our Dev Server
has CFMX 7.0 and the client that interacts with the webservice now returns
an error. Nothing has been changed. I compared the two WSDL files and they
have quote a few differences.

Perhaps you can post the CFC and the WSDL here so we can debug for you?
Sean A Corfield --
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