
I am in the process of moving a CF site from one server to another.  The
new site is in CFMX7.  I do not have access to the administrator
settings, as I have to work through someone in another department on
this.  The problem is that I have ~8.5 seconds (+/- 0.2 seconds) delay
on each page load.  Not the slow load of dial-up, with pictures slowly
appearing, but the delay and then a full instant load.  This is true
regardless of page content.

I eventually ran a test where I took two identical pages, both blank
HTML pages with no CF code and put them in an isolated directory where
the Application.cfm had only the CFAPPLICATION tag.  One page had the
..html extension, the other the .cfm extension.  The former loaded
instantly, the latter only after the delay.

In another test, I tried setting clientmanagement to no, and the problem
went away.  So I am looking further there.  Because I have no direct
access to the Administrator page, I have to do my investigation
remotely.  I know that I am *supposed* to be storing the client
variables in an Oracle datasource.  This is how we currently do it, and
it works fine.  So, I am guessing that this is just a matter of a
configuration problem there.

While I am trying those things out, I am wondering whether any of you
have any thoughts on the following questions:

1) In the CF Administrator, it seems that you set the client variable
store for the *server* and not for the specific CF application.  Is that
correct?  In other words, if I have two applications, named
application_one and application_two in their Application.cfm
CFAPPLICATION tags, but those applications sit on the same server, do
all their client vars get put into the same datastore?  If not, how (in
the administrator module) does one set per-application settings?

2) Is there a way that I can programmatically display client variable
settings for the application?  In other words, is there some variable
like Application.ClientStorage that I can read and display?  (I ask
because of the above-mentioned fact that I cannot access the
administrative module directly.)

3) Does anyone have any experience with this sort of delay of constant

Thanks a million,

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