
I'm forever having problems with users who use IE (and that's a huge lot of 
them).  If they log in with Firefox they are usually fine.

I am using client variables, when they log in with their email and password I 
assign some client variables like:

        <!--- check password --->
        <cfif CheckAuthor.authorPassword IS form.authorPassword AND 
compare(CheckAuthor.authorPassword, form.authorPassword) IS 0>
        <cfset Client.AuthorID = "#CheckAuthor.authorID#">
        <cfset Client.authorFirstName = "#CheckAuthor.authorFirstName#">
        <cfset Client.authorSurname = "#CheckAuthor.authorSurname#">
        <cfset Client.authorEmailAddress = 
        <cfset Client.authorLevel = "#CheckAuthor.authorLevel#">
        <cfif #DateFormat(CheckAuthor.authorDateLastSuccessfulLogin, 
"mm/dd/yyyy")# NEQ #DateFormat(UKTodayDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
        <cfset CheckAuthor.authorDaysVisitedSite = 
#CheckAuthor.authorDaysVisitedSite# + 1>
            <!-- update login details to DB -->
            <CFQUERY NAME="Update_authorDetails" datasource="user020">
                UPDATE tbl_020authorDetails
                SET authorDateLastSuccessfulLogin = #UKTodayDate#,
                authorDaysVisitedSite = '#CheckAuthor.authorDaysVisitedSite#'
                WHERE authorID = '#Client.authorID#'
        <cflocation url="/webs/020/projects/projects.cfm" addtoken="no">

                <cfset client.errorMessage = "Incorrect email or password">
                <cflocation url="/webs/020/projects/projects.cfm" addtoken="no">


It's hard and fast code I know but is there anything wrong with the way I am 
setting the client variables?



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