I restrict access at the CF level....

I get the page from the directory path... and if the file begins with "_"
then I throw an error.

Ben Nadel 
Web Developer
Nylon Technology
6 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10011
212.691.3477 fax

"Vote for Pedro"

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Winchester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 8:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Required DSN Username & Password

Ben, Thanks for the suggestion! Are you restricting the file access at the
web server level, or in CF? If in CF, are you testing for the file name in
CGI scope to deny access?

>We store ours in a CF struct:
>DSN = StructNew();
>DSN.Source = ""
>DSN.Username = ""
>DSN.Password = ""
>And then we use that in the queries. We put that in a file that starts with
>an "_" and then we deny any access to files that start with an "_" so
>can access it by some means.
>My boss is a stickler for security and he is cool with it. Just make sure
>you never dump it out to screen anywhere and you should be good. We have
>never had a problem. 
>You could maybe go further if you are worried and make then private
>variables inside a DSN coldfusion component. That way, they wouldn't even
>able to be seen in a dump. Then use getters for values: DSN.GetSource(),
>DSN.GetPassword(), etc. 
>But that is probably overkill.
>Ben Nadel 
>Web Developer
>Nylon Technology
>6 West 14th Street
>New York, NY 10011
>212.691.3477 fax
>"Vote for Pedro"

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