Howdy --

I'm having difficulty crafting a tricky XPath expression and would appreciate 
help from any XPath gurus out there.

Sample document:

  <identity idms_id="900000282">
    <sponsorship status="Inactive" start_date="Jul 20 
    <sponsorship status="Active" start_date="May 28 2004 
  <identity idms_id="900018891">
    <sponsorship status="Active" start_date="May 6 2003">HR</sponsorship>
    <sponsorship status="Active" start_date="May 9 2003">Provost</sponsorship>
    <sponsorship status="Active" start_date="May 8 2003">UMA</sponsorship>

I need an XPath expression that will extract the array of <identity> elements 
with Active Provost sponsorship.

Applying the expression I seek against the above document would yield a 
one-element array containing only the second
<identity> element from the document.

Extracting the <identity> elements with Provost sponsorship is trivial:


The tricky part seems to be restricting the selection to only the *Active* 
Provost sponsorships.

I've tried a zillion permutations on the following as the second argument to my 
XMLSearch() call, but none of my
experiments has worked right yet:

/IDMS/identity[sponsorship='Provost' and [EMAIL PROTECTED]'Active']]

I've looked through all the XPath tutorials I could find but couldn't find an 
answer to this question (at least, not an
answer I could understand).  Looking at some complex examples I've found in 
some tutorials, I've gotten a vague sense
that somehow "id()" and "self::" are going to be involved in a solution, but 
otherwise I'm just totally lost.

Greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide.

-- Larry Afrin
   Medical University of South Carolina

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