I am having trouble with the IPN response as it always comes through with the 
CFHTTP.FileContent = "INVALID" instead of "VERIFIED".

I am using http://www.eliteweaver.co.uk/testing/ipntest.php. I tried 2 code 
formats, both the same. I think str isn't sending back EXACTLY what I get, 
therefore rejected as different and an invalid response given. But why?

Any ideas?????

<cfset x = GetHttpRequestData()>
<cfset str="cmd=_notify-validate&" & x.content>
<!---post back to PayPal for validation--->
<!--- https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?#str#
FOR TESTING http://www.eliteweaver.co.uk/testing/ipntest.php?#str# --->

<!--- other format:
<CFSET str="cmd=_notify-validate">
<CFLOOP INDEX="TheField" list="#form.fieldnames#">
<CFSET str = str & "#LCase(TheField)#=#URLEncodedFormat(Form[TheField])#">
<CFIF IsDefined("FORM.payment_date")>
<CFSET str = str & "&payment_date=#URLEncodedFormat(Form.payment_date)#">
<CFIF IsDefined("FORM.subscr_date")>
<CFSET str = str & "&subscr_date=#URLEncodedFormat(Form.subscr_date)#">
</CFIF> --->

<cfhttp url="http://www.eliteweaver.co.uk/testing/ipntest.php?#str#"; 
method="GET" resolveurl="no">


It's saying my script never replied:

HTTP Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
IPN Received: Your script did not reply!

I have cfhttp doing other things on the server, so don't see why it wouldn't 
work here. Anyway, how did cfhttp.fileContent get the INVALID reply??? 

Here's the url in the cfhttp tag after receiving the orginal post:


Would the url encoding be a problem? or the length?

Does the Elite form just not work, or what? I can't see anything wrong except 
it thinks some items are not being posted back exactly the same, but when I use 
the "follow IPN" button my debugging output seems fine apart for urlencoding.

Any ideas???

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