I'm not sure which URL you want, so here's a few. :)

   Alagad Image Component (the one that works)

   Here's the link for this thread

   A few other image manip CFCs I looked at
http://efflare.com/products/cfx_imagecr/ (much too expensive for my college

I'm leaning towards Alagad right now because it does everything I need and
more, but I'd be more than willing to learn a new cfc for free. :)

On 12/24/05, Mark A Kruger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael - can you share the URL so I don't have to google (it's christmas
> after all :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Clayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 11:00 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFC for Image Manipulation
> Hi guys.  First post!
> I've been half-heartedly looking for a good image manip cfc for a while.
> I've checked all the ones in this thread, and it seems that the only one
> that will suit my needs is Alagad.
> Here are a list of the functions I need:
> - Thumbnail creation
> - Watermarking (with png's for transparency)
> - Extract color information
> The last one is the kicker, only Alagad offers it from what I've read,
> with
> the getColorFromPixel() function.  It returns "java.awt.Color[r=xx, b=xx,
> g=xx]" which with a few Replace()'s can be turned into rgb code usable in
> CSS "rgb(xx,xx,xx)"
> I just wanted to double-check and ask if there are any free cfcs that
> offer
> this before I drop $75 on it.  Thanks for the help guys, this thread has
> been most informative. :)

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