Not quite sure what your question is... whether or not you should use a
comma delimited list of items or a separate record for each? If that is your
question.... most definitely a separate record for each question AND answer

Here's a script I use for building the necessary tables for a survey app I
did... It can house multiple surveys, multiple questions per survey, and
multiple answers per question.

At the 'question' level, you define the form field type to use for that
particular question. 

Eg... radio (single answer), checkbox (multiple answers), text, textarea... 

The backend has everything you'd need... including reports and it all works
great with this database schema.

There is only one type of answer that I haven't put in it and that is a
question with multiple answers but each of those answers would have multiple
answers themselves... It would be used for rating each answer to one
question. Something like...

Rate These Answers:
One [bad] [good] [great]
Two [bad] [good] [great]
Three [bad] [good] [great]

Email me offlist if you'd like to see the app and its administrative tools
in action.

========== srv_globals.cfm =================================
request.surveydsn = "surveyapp";
request.tblprefix = "tbl_survey_";
request.debugon = "yes";
request.imageroot = "http://#cgi.server_name#/images";;
request.webroot = "http://#cgi.server_name#/surveys";;

=========== msaccess_tbl_script.cfm ==========================
<cfinclude template="surveys/srv_globals.cfm">
<cfquery datasource="#request.surveydsn#">
create table #request.tblprefix#as
  answerid counter primary key
, questionid number
, surveyid number
, answer text(250)
, fieldtype text(50)
, sortid number
<div>#request.tblprefix#as was created successfully</div>
<cfcatch type="any">
<div style="color:##ff0000;">#request.tblprefix#as already exists</div>

<cfquery datasource="#request.surveydsn#">
create table #request.tblprefix#qs
  questionid  counter primary key
, surveyid number
, question memo
, fieldtype text(50)
, sortid number
<div>#request.tblprefix#qs was created successfully</div>
<cfcatch type="any">
<div style="color:##ff0000;">#request.tblprefix#qs already exists</div>

<cfquery datasource="#request.surveydsn#">
create table #request.tblprefix#faqs
  faqid  counter primary key
, faqquestion memo
, faqanswer memo 
, sortid number
<div>#request.tblprefix#faqs was created successfully</div>
<cfcatch type="any">
<div style="color:##ff0000;">#request.tblprefix#faqs already exists</div>

<cfquery datasource="#request.surveydsn#">
create table #request.tblprefix#results
  resultid counter primary key
, submitid number
, surveyid number
, questionid number
, answer memo

<div>#request.tblprefix#results was created successfully</div>
<cfcatch type="any">
<div style="color:##ff0000;">#request.tblprefix#results already exists</div>

<cfquery datasource="#request.surveydsn#">
create table #request.tblprefix#submits
  submitid counter primary key
, surveyid number
, dateadded datetime
, fname text(20)
, lname text(20)
, address text(150)
, address2 text(150)
, city text(50)
, state text(20)
, zip text(15)
, comments memo
, emailaddr text(150)
, contactme number
<div>#request.tblprefix#submits was created successfully</div>
<cfcatch type="any">
<div style="color:##ff0000;">#request.tblprefix#submits already exists</div>

<cfquery datasource="#request.surveydsn#">
create table #request.tblprefix#surveys
  surveyid counter primary key
, surveyname text(250)
, activesurvey number
, dateadded datetime
, confirmation memo
<div>#request.tblprefix#surveys was created successfully</div>
<cfcatch type="any">
<div style="color:##ff0000;">#request.tblprefix#surveys already exists</div>

Bobby Hartsfield

Logware ( a new and convenient web-based time tracking 
application. Start tracking and documenting hours spent on a project or with a 
client with Logware today. Try it for free with a 15 day trial account.

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