What if someone were to insert another city just before the SELECT 
statement executed?


Baz wrote:
> James, in which cases is it not 100% reliable? Are the CF-Talk archives
> searchable?

>> On 1/9/06, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Is this the best way to do this:
>>> <cftransaction>
>>>   <cfquery name="InsertAddress" datasource="#DSN#">
>>>     INSERT INTO Address (City)
>>>     VALUES (<cfqueryparam value="#City#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />)
>>>   </cfquery>
>>>   <cfquery name="getInsertedID" datasource="#DSN#">
>>>     SELECT MAX(AddressID) as MaxID
>>>     FROM Address
>>>   </cfquery>
>>> </cftransaction>
>>> I'm using MySQL.
>> --
>> CFAJAX docs and other useful articles:
>> http://jr-holmes.coldfusionjournal.com/

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