Kevin, thank you very much for your help.  

--The statement above is using the remoting bindings and 'results'
refers to
an object, not an array. 

That makes perfect sense.  I had just assumed that the results object
would be a list-based object and inherit the length property etc...
Other than looping, why other way IS there to copy the grid items when
the dataProvider is bound to the object returned by remoting?

--Short answer... no. Long answer... by subclassing the datagrids
and than extending the columns class, you could do it. Of course you'd
a pretty deep knowledge of the AS2 framework and UIObject though...

Cool.  I figured as much.  At first I was hoping maybe someone else had
done that before and would have a copy and paste answer-- but I get the
impression a lot of people really haven't dived too deep into pushing
flash forms to the limits. :)

Maybe you can answer some of my other quandaries I have found.  The
biggest still being how on Earth to attach a click listener to checkbox
in a cfgrid when using <cfgridcolumn type="Boolean">  I have attaching
every listener to the grid itself with zero luck.  The check box always
eats the event and doesn't pass it along to cellClick or cellPress.


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