Here are some snippets of code.  I actually use a handy custom tag so
most of this doesn't have to be re-written every time I want to
dynamically change a drop down.  It is pretty flexible, but I am sure
you can take from it what you want/need when you see what it is doing.
There are several ways to skin this cat.  

Let me know if this all makes any sense.  :-)


After your popup saves to the database, you would run something like
this from the popup:


<script language="JavaScript1.1">





The main page with the form would have something like this:


<iframe frameborder="0" width="0" height="0" name="iframe_reloader" id="
iframe_reloader " src="about:blank" scrolling="Yes"></iframe>


<script language="javaScript">


function reload_dropdown()


            document.iframe_reloader.location.href = 'reloader.cfm';





In your reloader.cfm file (any of the options can be passed in to
control how this works dynamically.):


Run a query to get the new list of companies...



<cfparam name="url.formname" default=" name_of_your_form ">

<cfparam name="url.formfield" default=" company_dropdown_field ">

<cfparam name="url.valuefield" default=" query_column_for_option_value

<cfparam name="url.displayfield" default=" query_column_for_option_text

<cfparam name="url.selectedindex" default="">

<cfparam name="url.suppress_first_blank_option" default="false">


  <script language="JavaScript1.1">


      <cfset selectedindexset = 0>

  var mForm = parent.document.#url.formname#;

  var i;  


      <cfif locRecordCount gt 0>                      

            <cfset locIndex = 0>

            <cfif not url.suppress_first_blank_option>

                  <cfset locRecordCount = locRecordCount + 1>

                  mForm.#url.formfield#.options.length =

                  mForm.#url.formfield#.options[#locIndex#].text = '';

                  mForm.#url.formfield#.options[#locIndex#].value = '';

                  <cfset locIndex = locIndex + 1>


                  mForm.#url.formfield#.options.length =



            <cfloop query="query_name">

                  mForm.#url.formfield#.options[#locIndex#].text =

                  mForm.#url.formfield#.options[#locIndex#].value =

                  //alert('#url.selectedindex# \n

                  <cfif url.selectedindex EQ evaluate(url.valuefield) OR
url.selectedindex EQ evaluate(url.displayfield)>

                        <cfset selectedindexset = 1>

                        mForm.#url.formfield#.selectedIndex =


                        <!--- If there is only one record on the
preload, automatically select that option by default --->

                        <cfelseif locRecordCount EQ 2>

                        <cfset selectedindexset = 1>

                        mForm.#url.formfield#.selectedIndex =


                  <cfset locIndex = locIndex +1>



     mForm.#url.formfield#.length = 1; 

     mForm.#url.formfield#.options[0].text = '';

       mForm.#url.formfield#.options[0].value = '';  


      <cfif selectedindexset EQ 0>

      mForm.#url.formfield#.selectedIndex = -1;







-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Retaining form data after navigating away?


This sounds like the ideal approach.  Do you have any code samples?

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