It would be a hack, but check to see if the named collection's
directory exists in your collection repository?

You could also do something like do a cfcolleciton action="list" in
your application.cfc's onApplicationStart and dump the query structure
into the application scope, then do a QoQ when needed to see if the
query exists.  Just remember to add a record to that query object if
you add a new collection.


On 1/12/06, Dan G. Switzer, II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >admin API perhaps?
> It seems as if the admin may use the <cfcollection action="list" /> command.
> I've got 64 collections on my box and this tag takes like 20 seconds to run.
> It takes forever for the admin page to load.
> I looked on for an existing UDF and found one, but it uses the
> <cfcollection action="list"> action as well--which takes way to long to run.
> What I did was re-write the UDF to the code at the bottom of this message.
> What this code does is attempt to use <cfsearch /> to search a collection.
> If an error is thrown that has the string "does not exist" then I return
> false, otherwise the function returns true.
> This seems to runs much more efficiently in my tests.
> -Dan
> <cffunction name="collectionExists" returnType="boolean" output="false"
> hint="This returns a yes/no value that checks for the existence of a named
> collection.">
>        <cfargument name="collection" type="string" required="yes">
>        <!---// by default return true //--->
>        <cfset var bExists = true />
>        <!---// if you can't search the collection, then assume it doesn't
> exist //--->
>        <cftry>
>                <cfsearch
>                        name="SearchItems"
>                        collection="#arguments.collection#"
>                        type="explicit"
>                        criteria=""
>                        />
>                <cfcatch type="any">
>                        <!---// if the message contains the string "does not
> exist", then the collection can't be found //--->
>                        <cfif cfcatch.message contains "does not exist">
>                                <cfset bExists = false />
>                        </cfif>
>                </cfcatch>
>        </cftry>
>        <!---// returns true if search was successful and false if an error
> occurred //--->
>        <cfreturn bExists />
> </cffunction>

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