After some more thought, I could see them coming in handy if I were 
building a script-based, traditional setup.  However, I am a recent 
fusebox addict (which is amazing, btw) and therefore there isn't much 
need for me to make an additional CFC to handle output.  The concept of 
fuses is that they're simple and easily editable so adding unnecessary 
complexity wouldn't really help me out much.  Plus, then I'm worrying 
about relative paths to other files and what-not.  I kinda like how 
things are broken up into individual items as it helps me see the 
overall "picture" of what I'm working on and certain display fuses are 
grouped together and keep things organized and manageable (which can be 
done with multiple CFCs I suppose).  To that end, there's no reason for 
*me* to use a CFC, but I'm sure someone could find a valid reason to use 
them for display purposes.  But I think if I were using a script-based 
setup, I might consider using CFCs for display purposes to help 
compartmentalize everything.

Ultimately, I'm not a cf pro by any means, but I always like these kinds 
of conversations because it kinda forces you to think outside the box 
and challenge ideas where people say you do it "just because." 
Sometimes it's good to go by those standards just because someone else 
found the pitfalls that you haven't hit yet, but sometimes many people 
just fall into line because they didn't want to rethink the whole 
process, which is just as valid of a reason as well...


Ian Skinner wrote:
> "Well, the generally accepted "best practice" is that CFCs should *not* 
> output anything..."
> WHY???  
> I understand why one would not want to mix display functionality with other 
> layers of logic, and I am trying to learn how to separate my coding along 
> these lines.  But nobody has explained to me why it is "inherently" bad to do 
> display in a CFC as long as that is the purpose of that CFC.  Is there 
> something wrong with creating a display CFC for ones view layer?
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning

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