Hey All,

I've got a strange error...you know....one of those "it always worked...nothing 
has changed...but now it won't work" kinda gremlins ;-)

I am invoking CF web services over SSL like so (made generic to protect the 

  <cfinvokeargument name="user"        value="#userid#">
  <cfinvokeargument name="pwd"         value="#passwd#">
  <cfinvokeargument name="recID"      value="421742">

This has always worked just fine and now I get the error below (and run via an 
SSL secured link):

Could not generate stub objects for web service invocation. Name: 
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated It is 
recommended that you use a web browser to retrieve and examine the requested 
WSDL document for correctness. If the requested WSDL document can't be 
retrieved or it is dynamically generated, it is likely that the target web 
service has programming errors. <br>The error occurred on line 427. 

Now before everybody jumps on the "welll did you try the WSDL file like the 
error tells you to?" band wagaon....yes I did and it displays 100% correctly 
with no exceptions....so there are no programmatic errors as the error message 
suggests.  I've also tried this with MANY of the web services on this 
server...ALL produce the same error above.  I am also not able to refresh the 
offending web services via CF Admin (same basic error there as well).

Of particular interest is this line:
javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated

It would lead me to beleive this is an SSL related issue.  Now I can say the 
SSL cert has not changes since I last ran these services successfully.  I have 
read some articles that indicate this may be a JDK issue so I will be asking 
the client if the JDK was recently updated/altered.

Any thoughts?

Windows 2000 SP4 with CF MX 7 (not sure if the recent hotfix was applied).



Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830
web: www.electricedgesystems.com

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