Hi Richard,

To init() on create you need to make sure that the init() method returns THIS 
(<cfreturn this />) In your example it seems that you are returning VOID.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard East [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Using CreateObject with init correctly

I have seen code where an object was created like this:
        <cfset userInfo=CreateObject("component", 
"objects.player").init(REQUEST.id) />

The method I had been using that works is like this:
        <cfset REQUEST.id = 1 />
        <cfset userInfo=CreateObject("component", "objects.player") />
        <cfset userInfo.init(datasource) />
        <cfset REQUEST.qryUserDetails = userInfo.getUserDetails(REQUEST.id) />
        <cfdump var="#REQUEST.qryUserDetails#"><cfabort />

I have tried the method of initiating the Object as it is created, but when I 
do I get an error:

        <cfset userInfo=CreateObject("component", 
"objects.player").init(REQUEST.id) />
        <cfset REQUEST.qryUserDetails = userInfo.getUserDetails(REQUEST.id) />
        <cfdump var="#REQUEST.qryUserDetails#"><cfabort />

This fails with the error message, “Variable userInfo is 
undefined.” Would someone clarify how I can do this correctly and what 
would be best practice?

Thank you for your help and opinions,


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