So I can have a frame load up and check if they're on the page where 
they put in the credit card information and do the following: a.  read the 
information from the fields directly (would have check it every few seconds and 
submit to the home server through ajax or something) 
b.  change the action in the form to have the form submit to my site, and then 
use my site to redirect back to amazon's action page (basically stealing the cc 
info, with the user not even knowing).  

I know I might get some warnings about security with b, since their site is on 
a secure server, and my action url is not.  But the whole point is, is it 
possible?  This really worries me that anybody can just do attacks like this to 
any site that doesn't have the 'bust out of frames' code in there.  

I know it's not technically XSS, but I'm not sure what else to call it.  I just 
haven't though of this issue before and never heard it mentioned, so I wasn't 
sure if it's possible.  But if you are saying it is possible, then we're 
opening a whole can of worms here.  


This can has been open for some time now, you have just described the basic 
fishing scheme.  Create a clone site on a sever I control.  Trick or entice 
users to my site instead of the original site.  Do nasty things with any data I 
can fool these people in providing me.  This has been going on for years.  I do 
not even need to use frames.  I could pull your page in server side and parse 
it back out.  I could just link to your page, but change some of the code (such 
as form actions) with regex.  Many ways to skin this cat.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

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