Thought I was losing it, but this seems reproducible.  I don't find any 
mentions in the archives, or anywhere via Google, so here goes:

Anytime I start typeing a CFIF block where there is a function call whose 
argument is in quotes, I get an error "Access Violation at address 00403A33 in 
module "Homesite+.exe" at address 00000000" as soon as I try to space past the 
closing double-quote in the argument, but only when it is typed on the same 

Example (I'm using len() for the function, but it doesn't matter what the 
function is):

<CFIF A IS B> works
<CFIF len(a) IS B> works
<cfif len("a" gets the error as soon as I enter the space following "a"

But this works, ugly as it is:
<cfif len("a"

Note that in that last example, I can get the error when I hit the space after 
the "a", and also after typing IS

I did more checking, and it's not really a function of being in the middle of 
entering a CFIF block.  The same thing happens, for instance, if I'm in the 
middle of trying to type
<cfset a=len("b")>

This all happens whether I am typing the text in from scratch, or editing 
existing text.  Sure looks to me like it's falling apart trying to parse the 
structure of the statement I'm in the process of typing, but I've not run into 
this one before.

Thanks everyone,

Any ideas out there?  I don't see any fixes out there from MM.  I just 
installed this copy of HomeSite+ a couple a week or two on this PC (Windows 
XP-PRO), using the version that was on the Dreamweaver MX2004 Devnet CD).  It 
was installed under the admin account on this PC, since at this site I don't 
run with admin privs.

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