Hi all,

We have a CFC set up on our test server, and are able to successfully
access it as a web service from PHP and ASP (on other servers). All
good. Trying to bring up the CFC in the browser kicks you to the CFIDE
login screen, and on successful login you get the wsdl docs. Great.

However, our live server does not the cfide directory (it's
multihomed). PHP and ASP cannot access the CFC at all, and trying to
bring it up in the browser results in a 404 error. CF code can still
access the CFC.

I don't want to allow browsing of the CFC - I was going to set up
Spike's tool to do that - I just want ASP and PHP code to be able to
access the methods. We've tried copying the CFIDE directory to the
root of the site in question and adding an IIS mapping to it, but no

This is Windows 2003 server with CF Standard. Any help would be
greatly appreciated!

Kay Smoljak

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