There is an optional path attribute when a cookie is set.  If you put on
something like httplook and see the cookies being sent back and forth, I'm
willing to bet that the ones in the admin directory is setting the cookie
with /root/admin as the path.  
If you set the cookie in /root and then read it in /admin, I bet that would
work.  And the reason I'm talking about cookies is because that's how cf
tracks sessions, through the cftoken and cfid cookies (or jsessionid).  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jake . [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 6:14 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Firefox Sessions
> OK, this is boggling -
> I have two directories I'm working with:
> /root/
> /root/admin
> Each of those two directories has an Application.cfm file, each with a
> CFAPPLICATION tag, both of which are named the same.
> I login to the /root/admin/ and create a CF session variable.
> When I go to the /root/somepage.cfm, I should see the same session
> variables as when I visit /root/admin/somepage.cfm, right?
> This doesn't actually happen... at least not in Firefox. In Internet
> Explorer I see all session variables in the root for the /admin and vice
> versa.
> This is beyond perplexing - usually it's IE causing issues, not FF!
> Thanks in advance,
> Jake

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