I fail to understand why these posts were directed at me. All I wanted 
was for people to stop jumping on the original poster's back just 
because he asked for concrete evidence. The guy needed some real 
evidence he could take to his superiors and people yelled at him for 
starting a thread in which they were not interested. That's it; nothing 
more. I'm not an alarmist and I don't believe, for even one second that 
it's going anywhere. I just can't stand the list-nazis who flame people 
for starting certain topics.


Tony wrote:
> +100
> and one other option, open source it. hell, id go so far
> as to say if it went open source, and a REAL group of folks
> collabo'd on it, it would maybe even become stronger.
> not that macrodobeans arent good, but adobe cannot hire
> EVERY good developer out there.  so that big collabo'd version
> might be even cooler :)
> again, id say, no worries, its been no worries for me for quite some time!
> tw
> On 1/29/06, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ken, consider it this way....   Suppose for the sake of argument that Adobe
>> decided that CF wasnt really the kind of product they could make the most
>> of.   They wouldn't just abandon it.   It has a value, has a revenue stream.
>> It has a customer base and has plenty of developers building in it.
>> If Adobe didnt want it (and I also agree its far more likely they want to
>> use CF to take Adobe into areas they couldnt get to before)  they would be
>> much more likely to sell it off as a business to someone else.  There would
>> be lots of options in this area - a management buyout, sale to a competitor,
>> sale to another company wanting to move in the server direction.     If they
>> sold ColdFusion to someone else,  it would still be a viable option for your
>> site. Whoever did buy it would want to make it grow and develop.  As an
>> Adobe product or as someone else's,  ColdFusion is good for us all.
>> It would only be a disaster for your OP If Adobe said 'that's it!
>> ColdFusion is dead - we're writing off our investment in it and will provide
>> no more support for it. And it's not for sale to anyone else either".    I
>> think that's about as likely as George W Bush appearing in a pink tutu for
>> the next State Of the Union address.   And even in that unlikely event,
>> there's Blue Dragon who have already said if Adobe didnt want coldfusion
>> they'll be there saying "Me Me Me Me Let ME have it!!!!!!"
>> Cheers
>> Mike Kear
>> Windsor, NSW, Australia
>> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>> AFP Webworks
>> http://afpwebworks.com
>> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
>> On 1/27/06, Ken Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The OP said that *HE KNEW* CF wasn't going anywhere, but is looking for
>>> actual evidence to present to others in his organization to assuage
>>> their fears. If you're gonna whine about message bloat, then you can
>>> either shut up or offer some helpful link containing information backing
>>> up his position. The OP is in a situation where he's trying to keep
>>> things oriented to CF in his company. He simply needs ammunition with
>>> which to load the weapon. That certainly seems like a topic of value for
>>> this list to me.
>>> Why is it that some of you people seem to think only the specific
>>> messages that interest you are on topic or are worthy of the list?
>>> --Ferg

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