Rick Root wrote:

>Andy Matthews wrote:
>>Nearest: 5,580
>>Bicubic: 5,566
>>Explicit: 28,309
>>So while the final image looks better, it's because less image data is being
>>thrown away. The best test would be to get the quality of image generated by
>>the explicit code as close as possible to the other two then check for file
>Yeah I noticed that too.  The optimum compression for the small images 
>seems to be somewhere between 0.8 and 1.0 ... 0.8 creates a file about 
>5.5k ..  0.9 creates a file about 9k, and 1.0 creates the 28k file.
>The 9k image was definately better than the 5k image but still not as 
>good as the 28k image.. obviously...
>So I'll keep playing with it and probably the image cfc will end up 
>having some kind of compression options.
>Curiously, when I change the compression and re-run the script, the file 
>size doesn't change unless I actually delete the file first.  It's like 
>java is writing new data to the existing file but leaving the the file 
>the same size, even if it doesn't require as much space.
I would be extremely interested to see how this stacks up against the GD
libraries that PHP and Perl use. So far, we've been forced to use a
combination of CFEXECUTE and command-line PHP in order to generate
thumbnails that are acceptable for high-end e-commerce sites. If you
came up with a BSD-licensed custom tag that you could pass on
compression parameters to, many many development companies would be very
much in your debt.

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

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