Everything  you have asked about can be done, but if you don't know
action script, you're going to have to start learning it. 

First of all, I would make sure you have upgraded to CF 7.01.  There are
a number of fixes and enhancements in there for flash forms.

Your accordion object has a selectedIndex property (case sensitive).
Valid indexes for you will be 0, 1, and 2.

Action script seems to work well as an event driven language, but you
need to set up listeners on your grid to capture these events like
cellPress etc.
You will need an onload function that is called in the onload="",
attribute of your cfform tag.  (requires MX 7.01)

I'm not sure what you mean by "open that piece automatically" but I
assume you want to have a certain fold of your accordion open on page
load.  If that is what you mean, then once again, use your
meAccordian.selectedIndex = 1; thing in the onload function.

On your second question, when you say "open a new cfml page an pass an
Do you mean navigate away from the current page and go to a new page in
the same window, or do you want a popup page?
If either of those are in fact what you mean, the answer is similar.
There may be more than one way to do this but this is what I have done:

Place this code in a function which is called by the onload tag in the

var listenerbject = {};

//put the controls in scope to avoid calling _root 
var myGrid:mx.controls.DataGrid = myGrid;

listener.onRowPress = function(event):Void 
        alert('the onRowPress event has been fired. Details are
contained in the event object'); 

        // OR...

        var clicked_row;
        var order_id;
        double_clicked_row = grd_reconcile.getItemAt(event.row);  //
Pull clicked row out of event object order_id = clicked_row['order_id'];
// Order_id is a column in my grid.
        I want the order_id for this selected row.
        var urlString =
"index.cfm?fa=prog_accounting_escrow.report_file_ledger&order_id=" +
order_id // I build my url here
        getURL("javascript: uploadWin=window.open('" +
urlString+"','uploadWin','width=900, height=500,
left=100,top=100,toolbar=No,location=No, scrollbars=Yes,
uploadWin.focus();"); // And then call up some javascript to open the


Please check out www.asfusion.com -- they have a wealth of information a
live examples of this stuff.
Also, http://cfpim.blogspot.com/ is not quite as helpful, but still has
a lot of random examples of stuff I have used.

I will tell you this, my first cfform used a grid, a handful of fields,
flash remoting, and filtering and it is literally 88% action script and
only 12% form.  Flash forms use the Flex architecture in the background
even though you don't purchase flex.  You can do just about anything in
action script, but very little functionality is exposed to you in the
actual cfform and cfgrid tags.

I'll quit rambling now.  Let me know if anything I have said so far
makes sense. :)


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